Yamaha - Junior Music Course

for children 4 1/2 & 5 years old

Developing the MUSICAL CHILD from within...

Course Description

Early childhood is an ideal time to start music lessons. At this age, the ear is at its peak of sensitivity. Learning music is as natural as learning to speak.

Through extensive research over many decades the Yamaha Music Foundation has shown that a child's ear develops most rapidly between the ages of four and six. Since hearing development is so closely related to learning music, this is the ideal time to start developing music skills. The Yamaha Junior Music Course is designed to take advantage of these important learning years and give students the best possible beginning in the development of basic music skills.

As the parent is the essential link between the class experience and successful practice at home, both child and parent or guardian attend the weekly lesson and share the joy of learning music with one another.

During the weekly one hour lesson students will enjoy a variety of activities that include:

This unique and creative approach to learning music centers on developing the three essential elements of pitch, harmony, and rhythm. The Junior Music Course develops the musical child from within.

Lesson Fees & Details

-- all posted fees are subject to change without notice --

*A monthly lesson discount will apply when you arrange to pay your account by pre-authorized debit. Does not apply to Aptitude Music Program, RCM Theory or playLOUD programs.

What's after JMC?

Upon completion of the Junior Music Course, students will continue their study of music with private instruction on the instrument of their choice.

In addition to the Yamaha Music Courses offered at our school our qualified instructors will continue your music education with private instruction in recognized programs from the Royal Conservatory of Music and others. Choose from piano, guitar, voice, violin, drums and more.

For details on private lesson programs available at our school please go to the Home Page and select the instrument you are interested in viewing.
